oes@nfsb.qc.ca 450 829-2641
** Calendar Update ** Due to Snow Days - March 21, April 11, May 20 are now regular school days **


We are bilingual!

Ormstown Elementary offers a bilingual program from Kindergarten through Grade 6. Students experience one day in French and one day in English on a five day cycle. Our teachers work collaboratively to offer strong programs in both English Language Arts and French Second Language. Each program of study incorporates a balanced literacy approach.

Reading fluency, reading comprehension and writing are assessed twice a year. This assessment information is used to guide instruction, develop student goals and identify need for remediation and enrichment. These assessment results are shared with parents during Parent-Teacher interviews after Term 1 and again at the end of the school year.

Course outlines are developed by our teachers to help communicate the objectives of each program of study as well as the teaching strategies used in the classroom, the assessment methods that will guide instruction and feedback and the evaluation methods that will inform the reporting of results at the end of each term.


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