oes@nfsb.qc.ca 450 829-2641
** Calendar Update ** Due to Snow Days - March 21, April 11, May 20 are now regular school days **

Staff Directory

Best way to get in contact with your child’s teachers? Email. 🙂

We always do our best to get back to you asap! Most email address for New Frontiers School Board personnel are first initial, last name. (John Smith = jsmith@nfsb.qc.ca)

Not sure how to get in touch with someone? Don’t see your child’s teacher in the list? Email oes@nfsb.qc.ca and we will get back to you asap!


Principal | Jessica Mackay
Secretary | Kim Miller
Caretakers | 
Ron Ricard & Eric Bourdeau


Kaylie Bernert
Marie Bourgault-Côté
Chad Campbell
Christina Campbell-Caza
Alexandra Carrière
Judy Chisholm
Kathryn Claude
Robert Comeau
Catherine DeRoy-Lefort
Geneviève Decloitre
Lynn Marie Donover
Charlene Dulude
Alyssa Faille-Adams
Joëlle Frank
Kimberly Graham
Nathalie Alphonse
Anastasia Karagiannakis
Beth Kennedy
Daphné Latreille
Karolane Leduc
Allyson Lefebvre
Yvonne Lewis-Langlois
Hope Maurice
Anne Marie McCaffrey
Tabitha McKell
Kristina Meredith
Chantal Pelletier
Sarah Renaud
Melissa Sylvester
Lisa Tremblay
Jennifer Travers
Michelle Wallace
Daniel Wormeli

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